Stephen Ministry

The Stephen Ministers of Belin Memorial are members of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, or other life difficulties.

If you or someone that you know is in need of a Stephen Minister, please call the church office at 843.651.5099 or email to For any additional questions feel free to contact Mandy Carriker, at

We are proud to be a STEPHEN MINISTRY church. We offer a team of over twenty lay caregivers who have participated in 50 hours of training in order to listen and share the love of Christ to those in need. We offer our Stephen Ministers to members of our church, non-members, and anyone in our community.

Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the Stephen Series system. Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.

Care Tip from your Stephen Ministry Team:

Catch up with a friend today! Make that call you’ve been thinking about, or text someone and plan a walk for a double dose of nourishment. Choose someone who leaves you feeling positive, who gives you energy. Don’t wait, do it now!

For more information on Stephen Ministry, contact Mandy Carriker at 843.651.5099