How to Volunteer

With a membership of over 2000, Belin Memorial encourages everyone to get involved and to participate in some group within the church in order to become connected. From Sunday School to Bible study, Worship Arts to mission teams, from children and youth ministries to senior organizations, there is a place for you.

To get involved, contact our Director of Adult Ministries, Mary Mallick, at

We are always looking for volunteers in the following positions:

  • Office volunteers (half-day shifts at the reception desk)
  • Offering Counters (Monday mornings)
  • Worship teams (ushers, greeters, acolytes)
  • Belin Gardeners (Wednesday mornings)
  • Art Angels (Thursday mornings)
  • Nursery and SHINE Time (during regular worship services and Sunday School)
  • UMYF leaders
  • Backpack Mission
  • Cooks, Kitchen assistants and dishwashers for various events