Our vision is to foster within each child a desire to grow personally in the grace and knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Our heart’s desire is helping them develop their life choices on the word of God and that their lives will make an eternal imprint of God on this world.
SHINE Time includes Children’s Church, Sunday School, and the Belin Nursery. Our larger Children’s Ministry consists of annual events including Vacation Bible School, Christmas Pageant, Easter Egg Hunt, and more! Follow us on Facebook!
Registration Links:
Contact the Director of Children’s Ministry, Kim Oakley (kimo@belinumc.org) for upcoming children’s events.
Youth Confirmation
Confirmation Class Schedule
Once youth enter sixth grade, they can participate in the youth ministry. Sixth grade youth can choose to be in our Confirmation program. This program focuses on our history and heritage as Methodists, what it means to be a Christian and a Methodist, and living as a disciple in our world.
If youth who complete the Confirmation program and choose to be confirmed in the Christian faith at Belin UMC they become members of the church on a special Confirmation Sunday. For more information contact Brandy Streett (843.357.5177 / brandys@belinumc.org)
SHINE (Seeking Him IN Everything) Time
Sunday Morning Children’s Programming
Click HERE to learn more about becoming a SHINE Time volunteer. Belin Memorial utilizes volunteers to assist in all areas to assure that our Safe Sanctuary requirements are met.
SHINE Time is located in the Children’s Educational Building (next to the Family Life Center). Please enter at the canopied entrance and check the monitor for room assignments. Parents, grandparents, and guardians are to escort their child to his/her classroom and are expected to pick up their child from his/her classroom. On a child’s first day of attendance, an information card for the child must be completed.
Children’s Church
8:45 AM – 9:45 AM
11 AM – 12 PM
Our Children’s Church provides a safe, spiritual and fun environment where God’s Word comes to life through worship, creative drama, contemporary music, innovative lessons and more. Your child will laugh, learn, play, explore, grow, feel loved, and won’t want to leave.
Sunday School
10 AM – 10:45 AM
Sunday School classes are based upon the following age groups:
- Pre-K (3yo & 4yo) and Kindergarten
- 1st and 2nd grades
- 3rd grade
- 4th and 5th grades
8:45 AM – 12 PM (ages newborn – 4yo)
Nursery rooms are based upon the following age groups:
- Infant Room: newborn – 2yo
- Toddler Room: ages 2yo – 4yo